There's No Substitute for Professional Security Monitoring
When a real emergency strikes your home, you need professional assistance—even when you're as brave, quick-thinking and capable as Benjamin. -
Four Ways to Use an Alarm.com Image Sensor
A smart, versatile combination of motion sensor and connected camera, our wireless Image Sensor keeps your property secure and your mind at ease. -
Seven Questions for Choosing the Best Home Security System
Picking the right home security system can be confusing. To simplify things, use these seven essential questions to arrive at the smartest choice. -
You'll Relax Better This Summer with Professional Monitoring
When you're away from home, enjoying the sun, and less inclined to check your phone for alerts, professional security monitoring is the key to true peace of mind. -
Smart Home Security Versus… Crash and Smash Attacks
If your home security can be defeated with a hammer, it's time to get better protection by switching to Alarm.com technology. -
Take a Peek at Our Updated Image Sensor
It's good to know what's happening at home. It's even better to see it for yourself through an Alarm.com Image Sensor. -
Three Smart Ways to Spook a Burglar
Forget zombies, black cats and creepy fog. The thing that scares burglars and thieves the most is getting caught... -
Do Fake Security Cameras Work?
A dummy security camera might give a novice burglar pause for thought. When this cheap trick fails, though, what's left to protect your home? -
How Many Contact Sensors Does Your Security System Need?
The more contact sensors you have connected to your system, the more safe and secure your home will be. And they're not just for catching burglars.
Get Started Today
Alarm.com technology is available exclusively from licensed service providers who we equip, train and trust to protect you. Click below to find the right service provider for your needs and property type.