Usernames and passwords are the keys used to access your home or business system. Creating strong usernames and passwords will help keep unwanted users outside! This guide provides recommendations for best practices that can help you create a secure and unique account.

Create a Strong Username
Logging into an account requires both a password and username. If the username is weak, such as your name or email, then it is easier for others to hack your account. Additionally, if your username is used on another website, and your account is compromised on that site, a hacker already has one of the keys necessary to log into your other accounts.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Setting up Two-Factor Authentication drastically increases the security of your system. If a username and password are each keys to get into your account, like a key into your house, then Two-Factor Authentication is like requiring a third key. This third key is one-time use only, so you must request a new ‘key’ each time you log in

Create a Strong Password
The last, and most difficult, ‘key’ used to access your application is a password. Strong passwords are difficult to create and even harder to remember. The below do’s and don’ts provide tips to keep in mind that will help you create and remember your secure password.
Create passwords at least 12 characters in length.
The longer the password, the more difficult it is for hackers to guess the password.
Use complex passwords.
Adding lower case letters, upper case letters, symbols, and numbers into a password make it more difficult to guess. Consider replacing letters in a password with similar symbols or letters, (E, 3, or $).
Regularly change your password.
While not required, updating your password on a periodic basis reduces the likelihood of it being compromised.
Try the below methods to create a long, complex but memorable password:
Use a phrase known only to you.
For example: B1llyM33tsS@vann@H.
Take the first/last letter of a word from a sentence you create.
For example: The Quick Brown Fox Jumped over the Lazy Dog five times! – TqBFj0tLD5x!
Combine random words.
For example: CuttingDomin@ntMak3. Consider using a random word generator to find 3 words to create a password.
Use your service provider’s name,, your name, street address, email address, phone number, pet’s name, or Social Security Number in the password.
Most of this information can be found publicly, and the choices above are the first thing a hacker tries.
Reuse or use similar passwords on any website when resetting passwords.
If one password is compromised, then all the other similar passwords will be easy to figure out.
Use your username in your password.
Making a small adjustment to your username and including it in your password is a common tactic that’s very easy for hackers to guess. Many registration forms prevent you from choosing a password that includes your username for this reason.
Use dictionary words or well-known passwords within your password.
This reduces the difficulty of guessing the password, are very common and easy to figure out, for example: password123 or I’maPassword, aardvark, alphabet, etc.
Use repeated letters or numbers to increase the length, like 1111, dddd, or 1234.
This doesn’t increase the difficulty to guess a password that a long password provides.
Write down your password or have your web browser save it (auto-complete).
If you write it down or save it, then someone else can find and use it.