Tom and Jerry. Chips and salsa. You and your significant other. Great partnerships make the world a better place.
Take the Image Sensor. A partnership between a motion sensor and a connected camera, it keeps you safe, protects your property, and shows you what's happening at home for instant peace of mind.
Unlike security cameras, Image Sensors capture photos, not video. They also don't need wires or Wi-Fi, making them easy to install virtually anywhere in your home. Recently enhanced with better night vision and image resolution, these versatile smart home security devices have more uses than ever.
1: See and capture important activity

Did the mailman just open your gate, or was it an intruder? Is that your wife in the garage, or did your two-year-old finally reach the door handle? With an Image Sensor on guard, can send an instant snapshot to your phone when activity occurs, enabling you to act quickly if necessary, or relax.
In a fire or break-in, your Image Sensors take a stream of pictures automatically and upload them securely to's cloud via cellular connection. As one user found out after a fire, visual evidence makes a huge difference.

Live safe. Live well.
Experience total protection with customized, professionally installed security and a home that works intuitively to keep you safe.
2: Check in on home anytime

From checking in after school to confirming that your vacation property is okay after a storm, Image Sensors offer on-demand peace of mind when you can't be there in person.
Checking in is easy: just open your app or dashboard, choose an Image Sensor, and request a snapshot. If you need to see a specific activity, like your kids arriving home, you can also create Image Sensor alerts activated by other devices—in this case, your smart lock or security panel.
3: Activate other smart devices

Because they're powered by, Image Sensors can activate other smart devices on your behalf, enabling your house to respond automatically when an Image Sensor detects motion.
Want to make your upstairs landing safer at night in case your kids wander? An smart light, triggered by an Image Sensor's nighttime motion sensors, will do the trick.
4: Stay in the know when there's no Wi-Fi

With cellular technology on board, Image Sensors don't need Wi-Fi or broadband. This makes them ideal for keeping tabs on out-of-the way areas at home, or on a vacation property without broadband service.
Even if there's a power outage, your Image Sensors will keep on working—just like your security panel.
Want to protect your home with Image Sensors?
Image Sensors are sold exclusively by service providers as part of a smart home security system, and can be quickly installed alongside other smart devices like locks, security cameras, video doorbells and more.
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